The Federal Environment Minister approved Toro Energy’s Wiluna uranium mine in April 2013 subject to conditions relating to radiation, ground and surface water, mine closure and the preparation of environmental management plans. This followed the Western Australian Environment Minister granting the State’s final environmental approval for Toro’s proposed Wiluna uranium mine also subject to conditions in October 2012.
An extension to the Wiluna Project is now being proposed to include two further deposits – Millipede and Lake Maitland using the already approved processing facility. The Public Environmental Review (PER) for this extension is currently in the assessment process with the WA Environment Protection Authority.
Toro has undertaken significant environmental impact studies to support this application, and proposes the lowest impact project possible.
The project is subject to rigorous environmental assessment by government. Key features of the project assessment:
- Just over 3,110 ha of ground disturbance
- In-pit tailings storage
- Progressive rehabilitation
- 13,000 pages of environmental studies
- No endangered or threatened species identified that would be impacted